— Easy, thoughtful gifting for businesses that care —


Organisations require recruitment and retention strategies to attract and retain the right talent. An onboarding plan helps to welcome and orientate new recruits. An employee recognition strategy helps to retain your highly-experienced employees. Managers, teams, Human Resources, and the whole organisation benefit from such strategies.

Onboarding new recruits

Onboarding is viewed as a strategic process that should last at least one year. Planning for a great first day, first month, and first-year will improve staff retention. We see lots of LinkedIn posts where new recruits are clearly excited about joining an organisation and starting a new role – this is a major step for them. How employers handle their first few days and months is, therefore, crucial.

90% of employees decide whether to stay or go within the first six months

Companies want their onboarding experience to be welcoming and to reflect their culture. To create a great first impression, many companies are using more creative means to onboard recruits. One of these comes in the form of Employee Welcome Packs. Imagine, your new employees arrive at their desk or workspace on their first day to discover a Welcome Gift Pack, filled with practical company branded gifts  – and some goodies, too!

Celebrating 1 year anniversary

It’s around the first-year anniversary that an employee’s performance demonstrates how productive they have become, according to Ben Peterson, former CEO of Bamboo HR. If they are fully engaged and imbued with your culture, it’s time to show them their career development path, if they wish to remain. It’s therefore important to encourage and support employees during the early days and months. Show them that their contribution is appreciated; let them see clearly that the organisation is invested in them. Reaching that first-year work anniversary is a significant milestone for staff, one which can be celebrated by everyone in the company. This may be a formal occasion where staff are thanked and presented with a gift, such as a branded pen or an engraved award. Employees may prefer to choose a gift, from your company branded Service Awards Programme, to celebrate their first-year work anniversary.


When employees feel welcomed and their career milestones are celebrated in an organisation, these become good reasons for your best staff to remain with you into the future. Gift Innovations can help support your recruitment and retention strategies with innovative employee recognition solutions. Contact us for great Onboarding Pack ideas and gifts to celebrate 1 year Anniversary and other employee milestones. Email: info@giftinnovations.ie Phone: 061 306 006
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